Manipulative: Red Martina – Outside

“Meet me outside”

Red Martina - Outside

So I have never really featured music like this before on my blog so I hope you are ready.

Make way for Red Martina. If I said they produce music which should have featured on Baz Luhrmann’s Gatsby film then I think you will prepare yourself for class, debauchery and corruption.

Philadelphia based Red Martina mix rap, brass, latino and irrepressible vocals to produce somewhat melodic hip hop. So if you love a bit of Amy Winehouse and Jay Z then I think like me, you will have a soft spot for Red Martina and their track ‘Outside’.

Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind is the man behind Red Martina, stealing Philadelphia Slick rapper Noesis, singer Hayley Cass and multi-instrumentalist Ish Quintero to manipulate a dark and indulgent hip hop beat.

From the very first play of ‘Outside’ I had been seduced. It is impossible to resist the massive orchestral opening which slowly gives way to Hayley Class and her Lily Allen esque vocals that maintain the elegant refrain of ‘Outside’. Yet the whole time an unforgettable  gangster rap precedes the brass/Swing bass line and what we have is a stark clash of genres that somehow fuse intrinsically together.

Totally persuasive and completely desirable.

Get their LP Intransit now, by clicking here.